Tuesday, October 31, 2023



The garden area was dug out to perfection and the cement to fill it in was ready!
This area had some plumbing details to work around but Bill did it nicely.  He even cleaned the whole area up when he was finished!  (That is usually my job but bending over exacerbates my already miseerable headache!)
I did sit on the new couch near him and crocheted some new sea creatures!  I used some cotton thread just to vary the size and texture!  (I will be doing the head of the turtle over again--I'm not liking the size of it in relation to the rest of his body!)

Off to my neurologist today to see if he can offer some help
 in dealing with the 'never-ending-headache'!

Monday, October 30, 2023


Aren't these very cute fellows?  It is pleasant to see how just a few stitches result in these sweet little critters!

Sunday, October 29, 2023


I was ready to get the furniture all settled in first thing yesterday morning;  Bill patiently worked the muscle for me as I arranged and rearranged to perfection!
The umbrella needs to be bolted to the concrete base so I have to be sure it is just exactly where I want it!  I haven't decided for sure yet! lol  We did end up moving the furniture 18' to the right so the umbrella can go in the back left corner--but we had to leave it for another day because we had a wedding to go to!
I finished an octopus on the way--it was a beautiful country drive for about an hour and then some.  I also started a cropped cardigan--but more on that later.

The happy couple!
The setting was a beautiful southern farm now repurposed to a wedding/celebration venue!

Saturday, October 28, 2023


After moving the table and chair set out of this corner, we decided it needed a good power-washing before situating the rug and furniture!  Another delay was hard but I am glad we did it!  First thing today, we will lay the rug and arrange the sectional!!!!
This is the doorway right to my room so it will be just a few steps to the new 'room' and I can't wait!
The rest of the pieces are built and it is just waiting for me, too!
I managed to build another octopus and one is halfway done!  I will be taking some yarn in the car to crochet a sea turtle on the way to a wedding this afternoon.  It is going to be a challenge physically but it's not like I can go to it another day!  I'm bringing my pillow just in case I need to lay down on the way home!

Friday, October 27, 2023


I added to the furniture....I worked tor twice as long as the day before,  I still have some more units to add to the sectional but I am excited to see it grow!  
I made several little octopi-once you know the method for making these little creatures, there is a lot of room to vary the sizes, etc.  It's a nice way to use up all of the little yarn balls, too! lol

Thursday, October 26, 2023


It is hard to build up some stamina after being in bed for so long.  My headache has lessened but not gone away, I am trying to learn to function with it like I had to do with the MS symptoms when  they moved in.  Anyway, I have new furniture for the lanai so I tried to sit and start putting some together yesterday.  Nyki was a lot of help, as usual!
I managed to get the coffee table screwed together before I was done in--45 minutes, a record! lol
Bill is digging up the plants from the open areas and we will be cementing them closed-maybe Friday!
While removing the plants-we saw quite few lizards--and even these baby ones--he is only 1 1/2' long!
I made these two octopi--at first glance they look similar in size but---
when you see them on the shelf, you can see the differences!  (didn't you love to find the 'differences' on the pages in Highlights magazines when you were a kid?!)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


I want to wish a very happy birthday to my Mom who turned 88 today!  You have been such an incredible influence in my life.
  I'm so grateful to God for the gift of you!
Bill helped me put this together yesterday. It is the desk unit I purchased to replace the antique library desk
 (which has moved into the guest room). 
 See the two empty shelves?!  I will have to see what I can place there-a plant, books, bric-a-brac?  I will have to stage a few ideas before I settle for one!
I have added a new creature to the menagerie;  an octopus!  
He is about 4-5" sitting  the legs are another 5-6'.  you don't have to sew the legs in place!  She has devised a great way to make the legs, keep the bottom flat and for the legs to splay nicely while sitting!

I will try another one today, similar to the little jellyfish.  

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


The beans are doing fine--I should be eating some in a month!
In the other bed there are carrots, lettuce, carrots and two rows of radishes.  The corner has some garlic.

I'm on new meds from the dr--hoping to interrupt the headache cycle and to build back some stamina!


Monday, October 23, 2023


It is a bit addictive to make these little guys!  I followed the tutorial here which has several other creatures to make, too!
The height is about 3-4" and about 5" long.
There is a bit of sewing 
but it is a very quick crochet and amusing! 

I also learned about a neat trick to make 'safety eyes' even safer--melt down the shaft so it is like a rivet 
with your iron on high (only your teflon plated iron!!!!) 
so that the backing can't be slipped off from a gnawing child!

I also ran into the problem of polyfil.....I didn't have any more!  I thought about emptying a couch pillow but got hold of myself!  One thing I had a lot of was strips of cotton batting from quilts!  I sliced a strip up into 1" squares and it worked beautifully!

I'm off to the doctor's this afternoon-I should be able to finish the last sleeve on the sweater while there!

Sunday, October 22, 2023


I made a small jelly fish, with eyes, just so I could have a small one to give to kids!  The bigger one will look good hanging out in the new lanai sitting area--more on that next week!  
The extra inch of the sweater body was done and then the ribbing on the front and a slightly longer one was added to the back!  I even started on the sleeves!
  The pain is letting up in  my head but I've been down so long, it is hard to be up for very long;  I fear it is going to take another few weeks to get back to full strength again. 
 A lesson on perseverance, without a doubt.

****if you set your goal low,
 you will have the encouragement of reaching it!

Saturday, October 21, 2023


I had fun with making this jelly fish amigurumi yesterday!  I left off the eyes because jellyfish don't have any BUT in the strict sense of making 'CUTE' I can always add eyes, if I change my mind!
 This one is about 12" long.  I will try making a smaller one today- with eyes, and more cutesie!
The rest of the day, I worked on knitting the 10" of body in stockinette.  I will tackle the split hem in 1 x 1 rib right after the fun and quick project!   

Friday, October 20, 2023


When we bought this house, it was in rough shape and any items left in the house were transported to the dump.  Except for this table.  It was pretty and in good shape--I gave it a good dusting is all!  I am getting a new desk and shelf unit, so I have been cleaning out this corner.  While I was sitting  on the floor in front of the desk sorting, I noticed 'slots; at each end of the decorative area on the front of the desk.  Since there were no knobs, I pulled at the scallop at the bottom and to my surprise,
 it opened a drawer!!!!
It held no surprise treasures--not even a scrap of newspaper!  There was some musty dust is all! lol
It's since been cleaned out and now holds my diamond dotz project!  I also removed the drawer to wax the slides
 because they were sticky.

When I turned the drawer over, I could still read the label.  To my surprise, this library desk is valuable!  I think it will stay in the family for now, though.

I did finish the second crocheted hat in the smaller size-
it fits much better!  
 You can see how it forms 4 perfect seams at the back.  No bulk to this beanie--and it is stretchy yet fitted!  There will be more made, of  that you can be sure!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


I was intrigued by the construction of this hat so I bought the pattern and after only one false start, I saw what she meant!
  She also has a support video on YouTube which helped!
I am not in favor of most hats crocheted
 but this one is a good fit and looks great, too!
I did find that the adult hat I made, fit my husband and did not fit me!  I was going to send this to my son in Washington state so the fit will be alright for him!  I am trying the pattern again in a smaller size to see if I can nail the right size for a woman. 
 It is interesting and easily memorized
 which is my kind of crochet right now!
I also finished casting off on the Geology Shawl last night 
so I will be blocking it today in the morning 
when I can be upright for a bit!  

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


I  was able to get out of bed and and slice and sew for an hour.  That was it for the day but I was up for a bit! 
 I am afraid this headache has moved in for good...

Sunday, October 15, 2023


Pitiful but proof that I am still alive. 
 Pain is such a creativity-cancellation.

Friday, October 13, 2023


Look at the difference between the old wheels for my quilting frame (left) and the new one on the right!
The package was well-organized and had very clear instructions which was much appreciated.
Bill provided the muscle (that machine weighs a ton!) while I explained the instructions and held things in place.  In an hour, we had the new ones in place!
Of course I enjoyed a few rows to prove it was worth the money to replace the wheels! lol  They are worth every penny!  As soon as I am back to myself, I will be active in the studio again!



The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...