Friday, July 12, 2024


While I was carding some more  Cotswold wool, 
I had a craving for color!  I found a bag in my wool station and decided to empty it and spin!
This one contains all of the cool colors and I have enough to make another skein in warm colors!  Fun spin after all of the yards of natural colored wool!  193 yards of this yarn.
The field next to the pond out back is loaded with these flowers!  They are called Meadow Beauties, about 1-2" across (they do have 4 petals, I just happened to photograph a broken one!)

This was also a pretty find, Blue Heliotrope.  Yes, it can be poisonous to cats and dogs but it is far out back and I don't have plant eating cats!  Hummingbirds love it so I am leaving it!


  1. I am a sucker for purple and turquoise. Great job!

  2. Pretty skein!! I've got all that Barbie inspired fiber that I dyed in a bin and I think I can hear it calling my name. It might night come out during the Tour but I think it may come out soon after. Olympic spinning maybe?

  3. Those cool colors are gorgeous! What is it about a collection of color that is so delicious?! -Marsel


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I've been inspired by Deb's  recent spinning adventures  so I ordered some BFL wool from Greenwood to spin! I am ready to add someth...