Tuesday, July 23, 2024


The bird bath fountain sprung a leak so Bill fixed the leak and put a new sealant on it and I gave it a new paint job!  I had to let the paint set up for 24 hours so today we will set up the solar fountain part again!  The birds and squirrels are really missing the fresh water!  (I had to do this first thing yesterday before the rains moved in and Bill brought it into the garage to finish drying when it got dark out and rumbling!)
For those of you interested, this is the Passion fruit. 
 It is about 2 1/2" tall and very aromatic.
Unfortunately, this one had lost its meat and was only seeds that looked like polliwogs so I wouldn't even try a lick ,even if it did smell good! lol  I will dry out the seeds and plant them.  I found out that I have an ornamental one and that is why my fruits don't fruit but I will grow this on the other side of the trellis arch 
and let them keep each other company!
In the studio, I put the dark border strips on the Sea Traveler quilts then loaded up a table runner on the frame.  (I have a large queue for the frame so I need a simple and quick project first!)
Last of all, I added the stars to the panel-plus-scraps QOV quilt! 
 I am pleased with the results.  I have one more step and that is to add the blue w/stars strips to the sides only to make this wider because right now it is only 60" wide and I like them at least 65";  I will probably make this one 66" so the final measurements will be 66" x 80" which is a generous twin sized quilt.  
I will be working on this at the quilting group today!


  1. That's a nice birdbath! Our birds enjoy the saucer of water we keep filled...and Mabel enjoys sipping her "bird water." LOL

  2. Nice colour on the fountain/bath. One of mine sprang a leak, and Dave has fixed it. It definitely needs a new paint job too. I guess I better get on that!

  3. Lots of fun stuff — and fun colors — on this post! -Marsel

  4. I've never heard of solar fountains; cool!

  5. My grandmother always had a birdbath in her yard. I've got the decorative base of one of hers here. I've been cutting off the bottom of water jugs and putting fresh water out for my vulture buddies. It's been so dry our creek was just mud. They seem to enjoy the fresh water.
    Your quilts are beautiful! I've got a pile of binding to catch up on right now. The Mister's going off to lunch with friends tomorrow so I'll be clearing off a spot to start getting that done.

  6. I do miss my birdbath that was in our yard in Spokane. After seeing yours, (and I love the color), I'm wondering if I could put something small on our balcony. I'll have to ask around and see if it's allowed.
    Love the quilts. You are amazing!


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...