Saturday, July 6, 2024


The dress is completed, pressed and ready to wear on Sunday!
I haven't seen a dress for me in a long time but it was pretty straightforward and without incident.  I decided to add buttons up the front just to make a slight variation from the dress I copied.
I also added some new buttons up the front of a store-bought top because I don't like showing cleavage.
I also don't like rounded hems, so I cut this one off and hemmed it again!  The weather has been so warm that this sleeveless top will be a popular choice!  I do like to personalize almost every item I purchased to make it truly mine!
How about you?  Do alterations give you the heebies or do you face it excitedly?


  1. Fun retro look to the dress! -Marsel

  2. Cute dress! I used to make dresses and aprons for myself all the time but confess that since Covid I find living in pj's is the way to go. If I have to go out in public, I have been known to pull a pair of baggy pants right over those pj's. Terrible, I know but oh so

  3. Whatever the point between heebies and excitement is is where I usually am.

  4. Love the dress. I don’t mind alerting clothing to fit my tastes, but I haven’t actually made a garment in decades.

  5. I do very minor alterations - and only when I absolutely have to!


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I managed to knit 19 squares along the side of the blanket.   I am going to knit the row along the top next. I've pulled out some old an...