Saturday, July 13, 2024


I made two more blocks and decided how I want them to be arranged.  I also cut out the pieces for the other seven blocks
 that need to be made.
I did some walking outside since the humidity let go of us for a day--our temps were still in the high 90's
 but with lower humidity, breathing was possible!  
This is my very large ornamental pineapple plant.
And this is the first time it has produced a fruit, albeit inedible.
And on the other side of the plant, a little bud is coming along!
Such a bright splash of color that I enjoy immensely.
At the vegetable beds, the carrots are so pretty and lacy!
The other bed has a forest of green beans and summer squash.
Most of the plants have several little baby squash growing!  
Perhaps next week, I will be picking some beans!  I can't wait!
In the meantime, I am enjoying a meal of Swiss Chard each week!
As I walked back to the garage, I saw this guy scurry inside! 
 I couldn't catch him but I did take his picture!  
He was a large skink, a good 8" long, and I hope he finds a meal tonight while he sleeps in the garage,
 since I closed the door after me!

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I've been inspired by Deb's  recent spinning adventures  so I ordered some BFL wool from Greenwood to spin! I am ready to add someth...