Saturday, July 20, 2024


I like the look of the remade bowl-much cleaner lines!  The bowl on the right, the black walnut one is so smooth and pleasant to hold!
I loaded the other half of the chunk of wood and I am making a banana shaped bowl from this piece of wood.  It fell into shape pretty quickly;  it is so nice to be able to work in a comfortable wood working area!
I have this side sanded and sealed and am ready to turn it and hollow it out today.  I am glad to say, I don't have to get up and out of the house first thing this morning!  It has been a week of appointments but that's over and I am glad the week is behind me! 

 I will piece the last star blocks and put that top together. And I want to finish the last few rows on the QOV on the frame and load up something else from the pile!  It will be a good day!


  1. A comfortable work environment makes creating fun and relaxing.

  2. Don't you just love a day where you can stay home and get stuff done? I wish The MIster would get the message. He's always wanting to go somewhere every morning even if it's just to get coffee.


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I've been inspired by Deb's  recent spinning adventures  so I ordered some BFL wool from Greenwood to spin! I am ready to add someth...