Sunday, September 8, 2019

Curcuma Beauty

 Look at how beautiful this plant it is!
It is a perennial; 
one I had never heard of but I loved the height and long blooming time for this plant.
It is doing great and I love learning about a new plant!
 Here is something I don't do too often--bake!
It is a Ghirardelli Brownie mix--Caramel Turtle--but you put the mix into cupcake papers,
saving the caramel for the frosting. 
 The recipe is on the box--it has been tempting me for months so
I gave it a go today when my youngest son and family came for a visit today--it was beyond superb!
Give it a try!
And after a day of snuggles, fun and swimming,
I enjoyed a good sit and knit on my socks that will never end!


  1. Those cupcakes look so good!!!
    I love those socks. You are tempting me to want a pair like that but I don't think I have the patience.

  2. I've used that mix before, love it! The hat is adorable, and you are right, the honeycomb quilt needs bee fabric!

  3. What a beautiful kitty. She looks very cuddly. Oh, the cupcakes! Yum!

  4. Those cupcakes look delicious. Glad you had a nice visit with your family.

  5. I did not need the suggestion for those cupcakes - lol! They do look delicious. And that is one gorgeous flower.

  6. Is there a scent to the pretty white flower?
    And I love your socks. The gansey like pattern is beautiful on a plain color/ Perfect Choice

  7. Ghirardelli brownie mixes are the best, aren't they? We love the double chocolate ones. Gladys is a fun pattern, isn't it? Love that flower and the fact that it will come back next year! It kind of looks like a type of lily.

  8. Do you know what the flower is? It’s very pretty!


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...