Saturday, July 31, 2021


There are so many steps we take for each project of creativity--the cutting, the piecing, the borders, the quilting, the binding, the washing and drying and FINALLY,  the using!  I have made it through all of the steps for the boys' quilt and have the quilt off the frame and cut the binding.  It will be completely finished today when I will even wash and dry it!
In between the steps of the quilt, I worked at the sanding and sealing steps for the bowl!
I am really working at not being in such a hurry with this step as in the past;  the work of attaining a very smooth job sanding will yield a much smoother finished bowl--I know, sounds obvious, but when I am so close to done, I tend to rush it a bit.  I sanded, finished and sanded many times and then even added the wood burned signature so I could add the shellac to the bottom!  
Wait until you see the inside of the bowl tomorrow!  
Attention to each step in what I am doing is worth my time-what do you think?!

Friday, July 30, 2021


I did manage to complete the boy quilt, cut the binding strips and then went out to play with the lathe!  Lena enjoyed a good stretch when I took the photo--she was teasing for a good brushing so, of course, I obliged her!
The outside shape of the bowl was completed and I turned it around and began the hollowing out.
It went pretty smoothly-it is so enjoyable to watch the wood curls fall away as you remove the center mass!
The grain is so pretty in this piece because it has swirls where the branches were-very cool grains result.  Now it is time to do a lot of sanding on the inside and apply the shellac for the finish.  So today I will complete the little girl's quilt on the frame, the bowl and maybe bind both quilts!  What about you?!


Thursday, July 29, 2021


The new kit came for the Casablanca Afghan and it is a very interesting crochet!  I once crocheted with two colors in the same row a long time ago and it was good to learn how to do something new especially when it has such pretty results!  I have to make two more of these blocks so maybe I can have the last one done from memory! lol
 I also used the last little bit of the sock yarn to make a Barbie dress.  I have another one on the needles;  the directions are for knitting it flat but I like to knit in the round so there isn't a seam.  It worked out well because there is enough room in the directions for your own design elements!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Bill had to cut this chunk of firewood to cut off corners and a branch stub so I could get it balanced enough to go on the lathe!  It is a piece of Camphor and the whole garage smells great again!
There are some very interesting grain lines showing up which is promising!  I didn't work too long but I am feeling better enough 
(second round of antibiotics to the rescue!)
 to play for a bit after dinner last night! 
 Of course, it was so hot and humid, 
I didn't last too long before I was soaking wet 
and had to come in for a shower!  
All of the wood chips stick horribly when you are all sweaty!
 I did sweep up quite of bit of sawdust when I was done because I do like having my workspace fresh and ready each day!  It was nice to be working at the lathe again!  

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


The second QuiltsforKids kit is for a girl in pretty purply prints. 
It was an easy few hours to build this one.  
Today I will get to work loading up the frame
 and getting to work finishing these up.

The prints are pretty-soft for one
 and a bit more modern in the other!
And I finally began the second  HobbyLobby socks--this is a very pale turquoise with little sprinkles of color dropped in--fun to knit!

Sunday, July 25, 2021


 This was a very nice palate-cleanser-piecing project! 
 It finishes to 38 x 44 which is a nice cuddle size quilt.  
This is from the kit they send out;  I have a backing from them, too, so I will get this loaded up on the frame and quilted in short order!

Saturday, July 24, 2021


I sent for two quilts from Quilts for Kids and this is the first kit I wanted to do.  They supply all of the fabric and backing, you do the piecing and quilting and mail it back to them within 4-6 weeks.
I made a few four-patches to see how it was going to look.  I didn't have much room-this has a weird angle because it is way down on the design wall--why is it squeezed onto the bottom?

 I have the 13 blocks per row set out on the rest of the design wall to see how my bed quilt is coming along!  I need to start sewing some rows together so I can free up some space!

Friday, July 23, 2021


I worked on the last of the pinwheels and finished the top row to complete this FL Souvenir Quilt top!  It is 45" by 58";  I do not have fabric for the backing so this will have to go in the pile to wait for its turn at the quilting frame.

We had our usual T-storm in the afternoon--the driveway looked like it was smoking as the rain wound down and the sun came back out---very cool.
During the rain, I made a pair of these minimal mitts for a friend who has a circulation problem giving her cold hands. 
 KnitPicks Stroll yarn.  

Thursday, July 22, 2021


 Some days the projects just fall into place and then there were days like yesterday where the cleaning and maintaining order around here took a lot of time!  The rain every day is great for the plants (less watering required by me) but still there are the ones on the porch that do not get the rain and so they need me.  It also turns the seed in the bird feeders to soup and that requires cleaning out and replacing seed for healthy birds. 
 Next, I used my battery operated blower to clean off the driveway and the porch from sand and leaves.  I puttered in the woodshop area for fun-planning projects and sorting through the wood choices.  Then I came back into the house to cool down (we're in the high 90's every day still....) and did a little knitting.  Sometimes, getting up again is a bit rough and so I give in and have a down day.  Instead of hours in the sewing room, I spent 30 minutes...some days are just like that.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


I not only finished the top row on the Souvenir Top, I decided it needed to be longer--I do struggle with square quilts! lol  I have the pieces cut to make the same sashing and row of pinwheels to the top of the quilt also. A very enjoyable few hours. 
Then for fun, I made a Pop-Up from the FatQuarterShop
  Chris had highlighted this project on her blog 
and it intrigued me into a purchase!  
The sewing was pretty straight forward;  I liked the way FQS sent along the coil, the elastic, a label and excellent instructions!
See--it shrinks down like one of the net hampers 
that were popular for a while decades ago!
Remove the elastic and the little 'thread bin' pops right back up to full height!  I ordered the small size and wouldn't want one any larger--this is perfect to fold up and back for sewing away from home.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


I am pleased with this oak burl as an art piece-it has a small cup-sized 'bowl' but  so much of the work I did for this was done with a palm sander and then a forstner bit to drill the hole! 
 I thought it had me beat for a while until inspiration hit.
I really wanted to keep the knots and bumps on this piece of wood so that is why I have left it in its mostly normal state!
I removed the loose bark but not all of it-it makes a nice contrast.
Isn't it unusual? 
 Would it be something you would like to display 
or does it creep you out?!
It is 8" long, 6" wide and 5" high.  I used shellac to seal up the wood/bark.  It has a nice sheen and feels great in your hands--you couldn't resist holding it, if you were here!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Sock Yarn

I always take along some knitting when we head out for church on Sundays because we have a 40 minute drive each way so I can get some nice car knitting in.  I wanted to begin a new pair of socks but I hadn't put the skein into a cake to knit from so I grabbed the sock blanket and some little balls of knitting and away we went!  Bill had some errands to run after church so I also knitted while I waited in the car.  I am adding a row to the length of the blanket while also adding a row to the width!  
A very enjoyable knitting project!
This was the skein of yarn I bought at HobbyLobby on the last visit-I liked working with the last skein and so will enjoy this colorway, too, I think!
It caked up beautifully and Lena even held still for a photo! 
 I will cast on today!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

My Many Facets

I almost made it around the whole round but I ran out of steam!  It's shaping up nicely!
I even made another row for this coral reef quilt.
I played with the knotty burl on the lathe.  It gave me fits at first;  I thought it was going to beat me but then it all worked out!  I even got to use my new gadget, a Sand-O-Flex which is made for sanding natural edge works--it buff the dirt and debris out but leaves the bark intact.  Perfect!
And the second skein of yarn was plied;  it took longer than I expected!  Maybe because this skein has 321 yards which is 100 yards more than the other skein!  I will wash and dry these today and then they can be put to good use!

And the second sock has joined its mate;  Winter's Frost pattern, KnitPicks Hawthorne in Compass Kettle Dyed yarn.  Knit on 64 stitches with size 0 needles.  (the pattern was written for top down but I knit these toe-up using the chart as written)  


Saturday, July 17, 2021


I cut a chunk of grapefruit log in half to make a square bowl for my oldest son.

This guy left a lot of trails!  I can work with the holes but not with him!

He was dead already, so it was just a matter of picking him out!

I like the way the wood has spalting lines throughout the grain;  lots of interest.

I think he will enjoy putting wallet and coins in this each night!  6" x 6" x 3" 

The quilt was washed and dried-

full of lovely wrinkles and squishiness!

I made another row for my bed quilt and added a few stars.  I feel a bit better each day-it was nice to be able to be upright for a lot longer yesterday!  I'm looking forward to a bit more work on the FL panel quilt-those stars are fun to make!  Oh, and I have some plying to do so I have that second skein of TDF yarn for this year! 



The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...