Thursday, July 1, 2021


I was a abit late to the spinning party for this year's 
Tour De France but I did dye some superwash roving 
so I will have some interesting spinning in the days to come!
They are halved and ready for spinning 
which I finally was able to begin! 

 I haven't done much but I have begun!



  1. A country that hasn’t been heard from in a while! Enjoy!

  2. Oooh! That's going to be so pretty. I always marvel at how the yarn looks after seeing the fleece and roving. Enjoy!

  3. How pretty! I'm not getting very far this year either. As soon as I sit down to spin all heck breaks loose. I should be spinning right now but The Mister is on the roof cleaning out the gutters and I'm sitting here playing on the internet instead trying not to be nervous until he gets down.

  4. Pretty colors!! Reminds me of the Southwest.

  5. Just wanted you to know I love it when you post another new sock to me. I have knitted your suggestions and never been disappointed. I just printed out this one and can hardly wait to get busy on it. Love your blog.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.