Tuesday, July 27, 2021


The second QuiltsforKids kit is for a girl in pretty purply prints. 
It was an easy few hours to build this one.  
Today I will get to work loading up the frame
 and getting to work finishing these up.

The prints are pretty-soft for one
 and a bit more modern in the other!
And I finally began the second  HobbyLobby socks--this is a very pale turquoise with little sprinkles of color dropped in--fun to knit!


  1. Another sweet quilt! That sock yarn is very pretty. It reminds me of ice cream with sprinkles.

  2. That is a really sweet quilt. I loe the pale fabric pattern. The yarn is so pretty and delicate.

  3. Some little girl will be thrilled to have this quilt! I like the yarn - very fun!

  4. What wonderful quilts for little ones! Love the sock yarn, it's so pretty. Hope you are felling better each day and that life is good! 2 more days and I am on my beach!!!

  5. Adorable quilt in pretty fabrics. I purchased a hank of sock yarn from Hobby Lobby last week. I wouldn’t even have known to look for it if you hadn’t shared your socks.

  6. That's going to be a very sweet quilt! Love the socks!


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...