Saturday, July 31, 2021


There are so many steps we take for each project of creativity--the cutting, the piecing, the borders, the quilting, the binding, the washing and drying and FINALLY,  the using!  I have made it through all of the steps for the boys' quilt and have the quilt off the frame and cut the binding.  It will be completely finished today when I will even wash and dry it!
In between the steps of the quilt, I worked at the sanding and sealing steps for the bowl!
I am really working at not being in such a hurry with this step as in the past;  the work of attaining a very smooth job sanding will yield a much smoother finished bowl--I know, sounds obvious, but when I am so close to done, I tend to rush it a bit.  I sanded, finished and sanded many times and then even added the wood burned signature so I could add the shellac to the bottom!  
Wait until you see the inside of the bowl tomorrow!  
Attention to each step in what I am doing is worth my time-what do you think?!


  1. That bowl is going to be amazing! and right - its so hard to be patient when you are so close.....

  2. It’s the fine details that transform an ordinary project into a piece of art.

  3. It is hard to give each step its due. I am guilty of that myself. It takes me weeks to spin some singles and then I want to ply it all in one sitting. It's a bad habit I need to break if I want to improve.

  4. You always amaze me at all you get done. I love the Barbie dress by the way. Can't wait to see the inside of that beautiful bowl.


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