Sunday, July 4, 2021

A Sock and a Skein

One of the Winter's Frost socks is finished
 and the second one is on its way.  
Since I was down with another crusher headache (from the weather, I think) I didn't get to play much yesterday.  In between naps, I did spin and then ply two singles for this yarn.
I will have two skeins like this when I spin up the other halves of  rovings.  I ended up using one of the singles from each of the colors I dyed-they went together nicely and the colors should knit up well!  I have 210 yards here of a #3 yarn I would guess.  Perfect for mittens which is my plan!


  1. I know the affects of those headaches well. Stay safe my friend, walk and move gently. Hope your headache is gone by now and you are able to recover.

  2. I would imagine the tropical storm/hurricane has caused lots of migraines for people who are sensitive to them. I'm so sorry and I hope that you are feeling much, much better today. That yarn is gorgeous. You have more talent in your little finger than I have in my entire body!
    Happy 4th of July!

  3. How beautiful! I've had off and on headaches all week too. Weather related I suppose. We've had daily storms but overall cooler weather.

  4. Lovely yarn and lovely blooms, your world is full of color! Hope the headaches are gone and life is good.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.