Sunday, July 11, 2021


I added a few more blocks (24 actually) to the design wall.  I 
I finished adding this month's row to the Casablanca Afghan.
 And my parents added another year to their marriage---
68 years now!  What a celebration!


  1. Happy Anniversary to your parents! Great job on the additions to your projects.

  2. Congrats to your parents, they look like such lovely people. Good luck on your projects.

  3. Congrats to your parents! Mine celebrate 60 this summer. Love your projects, looking great!

  4. Happy anniversary to your Mom and Dad! May they have many, many more!

    I think you look like your Mom. :-)

  5. 68 years! Wow. They've been married as long as I've been alive. Imagine that!

  6. Happy anniversary to your parents! Quilt is looking great!

  7. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Your quilt on the wall is quite beautiful!! and with your blog background it makes those colors pop!!


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We drove 30 minutes north of my parents' home to Scriba, NY;  and where my grandparents are born. This is my Dad's Mom. And his Dad....