Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Bill had to cut this chunk of firewood to cut off corners and a branch stub so I could get it balanced enough to go on the lathe!  It is a piece of Camphor and the whole garage smells great again!
There are some very interesting grain lines showing up which is promising!  I didn't work too long but I am feeling better enough 
(second round of antibiotics to the rescue!)
 to play for a bit after dinner last night! 
 Of course, it was so hot and humid, 
I didn't last too long before I was soaking wet 
and had to come in for a shower!  
All of the wood chips stick horribly when you are all sweaty!
 I did sweep up quite of bit of sawdust when I was done because I do like having my workspace fresh and ready each day!  It was nice to be working at the lathe again!  


  1. I bet that smells so good! Will this be another bowl?

  2. Wood chips....the bane of my existence. You can't get them out of anything and I always seem to pick them up from somewhere and we haven't done any cutting for a long while.

  3. Happy to hear you’re feeling better.

  4. I look forward to seeing how this turns out!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....