Tuesday, October 12, 2021


I knuckled down to the job of loading the king-sized quilt for my room.  I loaded it on and realized that I had the backing loaded sideways....I had to undo the whole 9' by 9' piece and turn it then repin it to the leaders on each appropriate pole.  Once I had loaded on the top, I pinned it upside down so I had to do that again, too.   I admitted I was tired from the busy weekend but I wanted to get this done, 'impaired' or not! 
 I hung in there and soon it was ready for stitching.
It is a very long row to stitch!  All 100" of blocks!
I chose the pantograph called Plumage.
I also cut a bunch of strips for a table runner
using a new tool for curvy log cabin blocks.

Once I got the hang of which side to sew on next,
 I had fun picking out my orange strips!

Lena enjoyed my company (and I hers!)
and only stole my chair a few times! 
But I could coax her out of it with just a few taps of her brush!
For Inktober Sunday, Day 10, was the prompt PICK 
and the first thing that came to mind was the sea of hands hoping to be the one that was called on from the classroom! 
Day 11 was the prompt, SOUR, and, of course, 
I had an easy time finding my subject for this one!


  1. Beautiful pantograph. I’m not sure why, but I find watercolor-painted citrus so satisfying! Very pretty.

  2. Some days are just like that! Glad you stuck with it - very nice!

  3. It might be a pain but that king quilt is just gorgeous! Those new blocks look like fun. I love a log cabin quilt but the one I tried was very wonky. That tool looks like a good remedy for that.
    Pick and Sour, huh? I am behind again but at least sour should be easy. Pick, I am not so sure.

  4. Ahhh! I had a day like that yesterday. I was trying to sew the Christmas ornaments together and three out of six times I did it backward with the hanging loop on the INSIDE! How in the world did I do it three times? I could see the first one, but three?
    Your quilt is gorgeous! Well worth the extra time and I love the pantograph.

  5. How exciting to be quilting your king-size quilt - the pantograph looks great.

  6. Wrangling big quilts is definitely a chore! But they are so worth it when they are done.

  7. Wow, that is one huge quilt! I love the way you quilted it. Fun paintings, too.

  8. What fun you have had, and what a busy bee you've been. Can't wait to see your quilt done and on the bed.

  9. You are one busy bee. I've not been in the mood to do much of anything. A co-worker tried to teach me how to quilt in the late 80s by starting with a log cabin pillow. She wound up finishing it for me because I wasn't very good at wrangling the sewing machine. :)

  10. Oh man!! loading and re loading - that just sucks!! glad you stuck it out tho - Plumage looks great on it!


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