Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Another pair of socks completed! This is knit in Muse, Peace Tonal,  over 64 stitches on 2.5mm needles, toe-up with the Hermione Pattern.

The socks are a bit larger than usual 
because I usually knit with 2.0mm needles
 but they will fit someone!
I've made one of the new mosaic blocks--
it's a bit wonky but hasn't been blocked yet!
 And for Inktober, the prompt was LOOP--
an easy one to know what to do. 
 Did you spend a lot of time with one of these
 when you were younger?!


  1. Ah, I used to love to jump rope! The Hermione pattern is one of my favorites.

  2. excellent stitches!
    I still have a skipping rope - it's a nice one with ballbearings in the handle, so the rope goes around really nicely. I should use it more - get myself some exercise!

  3. Loop is BRILLIANT! I tried something like that at first with trying to draw some rope but it went right in the trash. It looked awful.

  4. Great minds and all...both of us finished Hermione socks yesterday! That rope is perfect. Your attention to detail is amazing. I used to jump rope all of the time as a child. No more.

  5. I loved to jump rope, especially when it was turned by others. I was quite good about joining and leaving the turning rope. So much fun.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.