Friday, October 15, 2021


Lena is a sweet lap-warmer when I take a break in the recliner!
I was able to spend some time on the lathe. 
 I made this #2 bowl from the Cypress log.
The grain is fantastic on this one--with the real uneven edge
 that is very interesting!
The bowl polishes up to the warm honey glow--the inside is light because I just sanded it--it will warm up when I apply the sealer.
This is bowl #1 from the smaller half of the log. 
 It finished at 6" wide and 2" high.  
The back has the unusual feature
 when the rot was cleaned up and out.  
It is a very artsy bowl for candy, I think!
Yup, definitely a win.
Prompt for Day 14 is TICK.  Yuck--but this is the most common tick, a deer tick, which is what you have to check your pets and ankles for each day.  Fortunately, they are not a problem all summer in the rainy season but as soon as it becomes dry this winter--they are much more common.  Bill does spray the yard to keep their population down and that helps! 
 How are they where you live?


  1. That grain is amazing!!! Beautiful bowls. I’m trying to appreciate the tick painting, but it takes effort..,which means you did a good job because it looks too realistic! Haha

  2. That is one hansome tick but it is the one Inktober project I am not looking forward to when I get to it. I HATE ticks. I might just have to think of another kind of tick. Tock?

  3. Pretty Lena!

    Up until a few years ago, deer ticks weren't a problem at all - but with global warming, they've come north.

    Mom has found a few on her cat and dogs (dogs get checked after every walk) but thankfully none on people. In the suburban areas, they aren't bad because most of the properties are kept tidy. It's the long grasses and such you have to watch when out hiking, etc.

  4. Don’t get me started on ticks! It’s difficult to pick a favorite bowl or wood because all that you’ve turned are equally beautiful. How I’d love to tickle Lena’s toes.

  5. Those are gorgeous bowls and I think the second one would make an awesome candy dish.
    We used to have deer ticks at the lake so would treat Chloe every month for them. In all our years she only had one tick imbedded so that was pretty good. I used to get them all of the time as a child and didn't think anything of Mom or Dad getting them out of my head of long hair! Eew! I haven't seen any here, but since this is where I got them as a child, I know they're around.
    I think I would have chosen a clock ticking or something. Ha!
    Lena is such a sweet heart. She looks so cuddly and loveable.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. What a sweet kitty! Your bowl is beautiful, the tick not so much. You did, however, do an accurate drawing of one! Our grandson got Lyme disease when he was around 3, and it took a long time for him to completely recover.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.