Tuesday, October 19, 2021


After my morning eye appointment, in which we increased my dosage so hoping that is one 'pain' that will be under control again, I popped over to my neighbor's to help her with a sewing machine problem.  While there, I was amazed at the growth of this vine she calls Dutchman's pipe!  This flower is as big as my hand!
  Very prehistoric looking!
When I got home, Bill had done a lot of work clearing out this area which had gotten out of control with random pots and plants he had potted to give them a head start. 
 I love it all cleaned out!  It was a nice surprise!
I was looking for something else and found a package of 20 gauge brass wire which gave me the idea to try my hand at a YouTube
 I had seen on making this kind of jewelry! 
 It was just so much fun, I made three!
What can I say.....it is a very pleasing activity to randomly make squiggles and angles with the wire!
Forgive the rotten photo--the camera will not play with the flourescent light on my desk tonight but this is for the prompt COLLIDE--sometimes, done is well done!
Now this one was pure joy! 
 The prompt was MOON and the ideas were many. 
 Easy can be welcome.


  1. That is a very striking flower. The cleaned-out area looks wonderful! Pretty jewelry and lovely paintings (that is a fun depiction of “collide”!).

  2. Beautiful flower (I've heard of that one). Easy is ALWAYS welcome!! LOL

  3. The flower is a beauty. I like the details and texture on the bloom.

  4. Pretty little charms! And that flower! Amazing!

  5. Lots fun here today. Eyes WILL be better. Weird flowers. Bills cleanup. Fun, fun, fun jewelry and neat watercolors. You have a busy, busy life. I'm glad we get to share it with you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. That jewelry is just amazing! I've tried my hand at bending that wire making stitch markers and it's not easy. Collide is one I wasn't looking forward to. You came up with something very clever. I can't think of anything but cars and I am NOT going there. I love your moon. That does seem like a fun one-if I ever get there. I am so behind again.

  7. Lovely projects you have been working on while I was lost in space. Love the bowls, but I feel like a broken record on those. LOL

  8. Sorry you haven't been feeling well :( Hope all those appointments with doctors help! Your jewelry is just beautiful! That flower is amazing, never seen one like it.. Hang in there xx


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...