Tuesday, October 26, 2021


The town's community center is open to the public again and we held our quilting group yesterday!  It was so good to catch up with friends and see what everyone has been up to in the months and months apart!  I worked on the latest Quilts for Kids kit.  
There is one blog reader who will appreciate this fabric!
And while I was enjoying a good time sewing, talking and laughing with friends, Bill was struck by the truck on the left-Bill is in the middle and the car on the left of  ran right up the driver's side of Bill and flipped on his side!  (he had to be removed by the rescue crew through the windshield!)  No one suffered any injuries-just three ruined vehicles!  The truck who pulled out and hit Bill was at fault but that is little satisfaction when your new truck is unable to be driven....
I had started this for my PROMPT for the day but maybe 
Bill did it better than me! 


  1. Glad no one was hurt! That looks like a nasty crash. Cute fabric for the kids quilt.

  2. So thankful he and everyone else is okay. Ironic that “splat” is the word for the day!!

  3. Oh good golly! How scary is that? People drive like maniacs anymore. The Mister was cussing up a storm on our last road trip to Daughter's with what was going on around us on the road. I hate the idea that she has to drive those roads at 5 am several times a week.

  4. Oh my gosh! I'm so glad that everyone was okay and just the vehicles that were damaged. I'm so sorry for Bill and his truck.
    That quilt is going to make some child very, very happy. (And I'll bet Dee would like it too.)
    Blessings and hugs of thankfulness to you AND Bill,

  5. Oh my! Poor Bill. Didn't you just get that truck too??
    At least it was just a truck, but still. Sending a great big hug to you both.

  6. Whoa! I’m glad that everyone escaped without injury.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.