Thursday, November 16, 2023


 The doctor appointment went well and we are hoping to have the headache on the run.  How many of you know where your trigeminal nerve is?  It's a funny thing about nerves--you want them to do their thing without letting you know they are there, right??!   I did have a good amount of time to do some knitting;  I finished one half of the main body from sleeve to center back and have begun on the other half.  It is going smoothly which is a very good thing!

If the rain lets up for long enough, I will be sitting and watching Bill work his magic with filling the other 'garden' area with cement.  We will see!


  1. Good news about the headache - sure hope it's on the run!

  2. Ouch....I had to look up that nerve. The human body is a crazy thing.
    I do love that new sweater. That red is making me so happy.

  3. Glad you are feeling better! I love anything red, so that sweater is going to be a keeper. You sure are a fast knitter!

  4. Oh Cindy, I'm so glad the headache is going away. I do know about nerves. That's what causes my back spasms that completely incapacitate me if I don't spend the majority of my life in a reclining chair that takes pressure off the nerve. I've tried a dozen or more medications that don't work. I'm on one now that helps a teeny-tiny bit but not a lot. The other thing about nerves is if they surgically cut the pathway to the muscle, it will grow a new pathway, so surgery really isn't an option.
    That red sweater is so pretty. You're moving along really quickly.
    Blessings and hugs,


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....