Saturday, August 24, 2019

I DID IT MY WAY......!

 The little terrarium might be lonely now but soon it will be joined by many other embroideries!
Here is a photo heavy, word-brief tutorial of how I prepared it for hanging.
 First I traced and cut a piece of cardboard to cover the back.
 I loaded the backing fabric after I had layered it over a piece of batting;  nice and firmly hooped now.
 I trimmed the extra fabric a generous inch beyond the hoop, trimming the batting slightly smaller.
 I threaded a needle with a long length of doubled sewing thread and stitched a 'spider web' to contain the extra fabric.
 I used fabric glue to hold the cardboard in place;
the needle was handy to tuck any ripples or tucks to lay smoothly under the cardboard.
 I placed the hoop right side up on my dryer and then weighed it down for several hours!
 See it under there!?
 When I took the weight off, I could see I had the smooth and flat finish I wanted.
I signed my work, dated it and recorded the designer's name more for my memory than for credit!

I didn't look on YouTube for any 'how-to' information because I knew what I wanted and I did it.
Sometimes, you are your own best inventor.


  1. Brilliant! When the kids were babies I made each one a birth sampler like that-minus the cardboard. I never thought of that which would have held them nicer. When we moved I packed them all in the attic and the mice ate them along with all my other sitched projects. All that work for a mouse snack! PS this is Araignee. Google is doing something weird with their sign in. Ugh.

  2. Beautiful finish! I just basically pp it in a hoop and hang it but this is much more sturdy and stable!

  3. Thank you for sharing the process of your finishing. Sometimes I get stymied by finishing things like that. Brilliant idea in signing and dating your work. It will mean so much to generations to come.

  4. Bravo! ! I love the mushrooms and the greenery!!! Great job


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