Thursday, September 12, 2019

Quilt Again

I loaded up the only quilt top that I had enough backing for-
all of my fabrics are smaller pieces because I have used up the bigger ones!
Anyway,  I loaded it up and started quilted free hand this time.
It uses a completely different part of my brain
than when  I use a pantograph and trace the pattern with the laser!


  1. That's the scary part. The YouTubers make it look so easy but it sure isn't. Good luck!

  2. I'll bet it turns out gorgeous!

  3. Have fun! I plan on trying stencils soon!

  4. That is one of my favorite quilts I've seen recently. I love the colors. Have fun quilting it.

  5. Love the colors of that quilt! You sure get a lot done every day!

  6. I can understand the difference. Just not sure I have any of those parts of the brain!! LOL


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