Monday, September 16, 2019


I'm ready to turn the heel-with a short row heel from the start this time!
it is slow going on the small needles and all of the texture .
I am enjoying it if I stop thinking about what I am going to knit next....

First, I have to take my big boy to the vet to get those two infected teeth pulled!
He is doing much better on the antibiotic and will keep doing better when the teeth are out-
he just doesn't know it yet!  (keeping one of six cats away from dry foot, water after midnight is an adventure in itself!)


  1. Good luck to your kitty. Hope all is fine. I like the grey for your socks.

  2. Such pretty socks. So perfect for fall knitting. Good luck with kitty. That's always such a worry.

  3. The socks are lovely!
    Give kitty a little hug for me - it's always hard when they are in pain.

  4. Hoping all goes well with Puff Daddy.

  5. Good luck to Puff Daddy. Giroux would definitely let me KNOW he wasn't happy with the no food or water situation.

  6. Those are beautiful socks with all of the texture. Good luck with Puff Daddy. I'm sure he'll feel much better when it's all done with.

  7. All the best to your son, your babes, your big boy and the rest! It's a never ending cycle sometimes.


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