Friday, October 25, 2019

Beautiful Weather

 Signs of Autumn...maple trees know it is time to allow a color change!
 The fields are full of great hay bales and the grass still grows for the December cutting, too.
 And for a Friday Feline--Lena greets me by sitting and casting a shadow from the eastern window!
Another dishcloth has been a basket weave this time.
I still can't find any of the Peaches n Cream pinks so I bought this instead--have any of you tried it?
Lion Brand has really done a push into several new lines of yarn.


  1. It's just starting to change color around here too. I am happy to see it although it means the annual leaf battle. I was just looking at Lion Brand yarn and they have added a lot of interesting products. I haven't seen them in the stores here yet but their online shop is full of new to me yarn.

  2. This autumn has been wonderful for us. Cool, but not cold, sunny days, and crisp nights. Perfect for the colours to be truly spectacular this year!

  3. Our leaves are mostly turned and gone but a few are still stubbornly hanging on to the trees. Today is brilliant blue skies and I'm enjoying it. I have a few errands to run and then hope to get home and do a bit of knitting before going to a movie. Our first one in years! We're hoping to see Downton Abbey.
    I have never seen that new yarn and will have to check it out. However, I have an entire tub full of dishcloth cotton and cannot buy anymore. Literally. I was given a lot of it by a lady who went into a nursing home and didn't crochet anymore. Since using Hobby Lobby's "I Love this Cotton", I find I really don't enjoy the other brands as much.
    Goodness! I didn't mean to write a book. :-) . I hope you have a wonderful day my friend.

  4. Tell the weather to hold a few weeks, I fly down to DBS to drive my parents home. It would be nice to have a few hours on the beach!!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....