Sunday, October 6, 2019

Still Slow After Travelling

I decided to keep adding to my sock yarn scraps blanket;
the top 5 squares were knit with the last 5 pairs of socks I have made.
This blanket is my Sunday afternoon nap comfort!
Oh, and I knit another dishcloth.  
I've enough of the skein to make the second one soon;
I like to keep one and pass one on to a friend!

(Travel has sucked the remnants of my energy right out of me.
I hope to start the week with better reserves tomorrow
after doing precious little for two days!)


  1. A trip to Walmart takes it out of me these

  2. Hope you find lots of time to get the rest you need.
    The blanket and dishcloths look great!

  3. Seems I have been away from the computer too many days! You guys have been busy and productive! Love the socks, how sweet to have those lace pieces, I am sure your jelly roll project will be awesome, and good luck on finding your energy. I didn't take a trip and I am fighting to stay awake today. Rainy day isn't helping.

  4. Glad you are home safely. It will take a while to get back into your routine especially emotionally. Glad you are back to creating, that will help.

  5. I hope you feel completely rested soon. I really want to get back to work on my cozy memory nine patch squares soon, but I have to get mittens and Christmas gifts done first. Your blanket looks wonderful and perfectly scrapy. :-)
    Many blessings my friend.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....