Saturday, October 19, 2019

Squares at Work!

 I was up for an hour yesterday so I puttered at cutting up some blocks.
 I pieced a few to see ho it worked out and it is just as it should be--
note the optical illusion about the size of the blocks-they are both 10 1/2".
The woven blocks in the top next to the new one,
are 8 1/2" though both tops will be about the same size.
I need to find borders for both.
I am working up to a long list for the fabric store!
But for today, I will build these two little tops and call it a day.


  1. The blocks do play tricks on my eyes. Enjoy your sewing time.

  2. So pretty. I do like the optical illusion. Have fun!

  3. Wow....look at that. I just had the same illusion when I was weaving this morning. The lighter blocks looked bigger than the darker ones so I had to count and re-count to see if I'd goofed up. Nope. It's just a trick of the eyes I guess.

  4. Looks like you've been doing lots of sewing and knitting. It's crazy how easily our eyes can be fooled, isn't it?


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....