Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Organizing 100 years ago

 This beautiful piece of ladies' furniture was my grandmother's.
 I lovingly polished it today to bring out the luster in the wood-
if you were this old, you would be thirsty, too!
 Look at the details on this top!  
 She kept her latest quilting projects inside;  she loved to sew them by hand.
I use plastic bins but this one sure does outclass them by a mile!
See the littlest bit of yellows and orange--this is in the poplar tree by my sister's home, 
right next door. 
 I think these are a relative of the aspens out west!


  1. What a beauty! I have my grandma's sewing bin too. It's a big covered box. It still has the old patterns in it including the one for my wedding dress!

  2. I love little chests and storage furniture!!! I have a wood phone table that I just don't have need for, but I can't give it up!

  3. What an absolutely beautiful sewing chest. It definitely does outclass most of what we use nowadays. I had my Mom's sewing box which I have given to Mandy.
    Our trees are losing leaves at a rapid pace. It's SO early this year. I'm afraid of what winter holds for us.

  4. I have my grandmother's sewing box. It is very similar to yours without the in-laded pattern. You are so lucky to have such a great piece.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!