Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Coats and Heads

 I knit another dog sweater-this one in the same yarn 
with smaller needles so the fabric was tighter.
I like the fabric better on this one, especially since I know that RedHeart 
softens so much after washing.  
(I changed from #8 needles to #6)
 And as soon as I finished this one, I started another.
I might have a problem.
Why is this knit bringing such pleasure?

Truth-I don't even like dogs.
I do like a good knit though, 
and I will give the ones that don't fit Millie's dog, 
to the local shelter.
 Look at what I saw;
a committee of vultures!
They had dragged road kill to a safer place to savor their meal.
They let us get quite close and when we did, 
I found that they are not the turkey vultures at all!
I thought all of our vultures were turkey vultures but I was wrong.
Truth-there is also another species of vulture called black vultures.
See, no red heads but rather they are black; what an original name, right?!
You can also see the white tipped wing in the  previous photo.

We learned something new together!
Don't you just love that?!


  1. Pup needs a new sweater so I need to go look for that pattern. She's gotten too fat for the ones she has. Sigh.
    I think those vultures look like the ones we have here too. I didn't know there were so many kinds. Ours don't have red heads either. They are all black and BIG. They scare me when they sit on the roof.

  2. Your photos are great. I haven't seen a vulture in ages. Giving the shelter the coats that don't fit Millie is a wonderful idea. Enjoy knitting.

  3. Dog sweaters are small, fun fast projects. That's probably why you're having so much fun! Keep at it!

  4. So nice that you will give some to a shelter - perfect!!! I bet they are fun to knit (but I will not be knitting any...). Great vulture pictures!

  5. Fast projects give me such a since of accomplishment. Maybe that's why you're making sweaters. Donating to the shelter is a great idea!
    I don't know why vultures always give me the heebee-geebies. Ick!

  6. I do find it amusing that you are knitting for dogs, but since your cats don’t appreciate sweaters, what else can you do?! Lol. “Black vultures” isn’t very creative, but at least it makes sense...unlike “red-bellied woodpecker,” etc. 😊


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....