Thursday, October 10, 2019

Laugh with Me!

 Lesson One with the lace carriage on my knitting machine didn't go well.
My teacher said, "No, lace weight yarn isn't the best choice because it could break."
I used it because I thought it would be so pretty in lace with this yarn.....
It broke.  
At least it broke right in the beginning!
So I doubled the yarn and it didn't break but it also didn't make the holes it should have made.
You can see where they should've been.
I don't know exactly why but by then I had used up my 2 hours of knitting time.
Yup, it takes a long time to mess up!


  1. Ouch...I always look at things like that not was wasted time but as learning time-it doesn't feel any better though.

  2. Learning curves can be frustrating, but like Deb said, learning time is not wasted time.

  3. I bet it goes much easier next time!

  4. Well, live and learn, or in this case, knit and learn. Next time you'll be whipping through lots of them.

  5. Part of the "fun" of learning, is making mistakes.
    Very pretty colour!

  6. lace weight yarn is even kind of scary on knitting needles. Kudos to you for trying!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....