Saturday, December 7, 2019

It's a Wrap-Completely Finished

 The buttons and buttonholes were accomplished without drama.
 The rhinestone buttons really add to the dress so it isn't too plain.
The best news is I delivered it last night and it fits!
 She couldn't believe I also included this-who knew it was popular again!?
 And this is what I wore to the party last night-
it was so soft and warm;  no layering was needed.
It was the perfect sweatshirt feel!
(I bravely tossed the sweater into the washer on handwash and then into the dryer it went;
nothing like LionBrand WoolEase yarn.)
Here is the out take--Nyki had to photo bomb me as the cell ph clicked!

I will be sewing the mystery HST's together today and making a hat on the knitting machine!


  1. The dress is spectacular and that What a perfect fit. I love the split sides. It's so flattering.

  2. The sweater is perfect!!! You are seriously making me want a knitting machine again!

  3. What a wonderful save on that dress. I also love the sweater. It looks so comfortable and the vents are the perfect touch. Love it.

  4. Love the dress remake, especially with the rhinestone buttons. Your sweater is lovely - nice job. Things have been crazy here, so I haven't completed the mystery sewing - maybe tomorrow after church.

  5. The dress is gorgeous and you look wonderful in that sweater.


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