Monday, December 2, 2019

Knitting Swimmer's Fins!

I am knitting on Bill's size 15 sock still.
It is looking good but it takes forever to go around these 88 stitches!
I usually aim for the balance of knitting the leg as long as the foot is
so I have a ways to go before I start all over again
on the second sock!


  1. I am in the same black hole of knitting with The Mister's sock. He keeps asking me when it will be done. I am just decreasing for the toe on the first one. There are just too many other really interesting things on the needles at the moment.

  2. Wow! I thought Jamie had big feet with size 13. I give you kudos for making those socks.

  3. Several years ago, I knit Christmas socks for everyone in my family. I thought I'd never finish the long socks for the men.

  4. And I thought size 12 was big! LOL That is a lot of sock you have going on there. Love the yarn. And, I bet he will so appreciate them.

  5. What a pretty colored...boat? LOL! Good thing I don't make socks anymore, Hubster loves them.

  6. Were you still in NY, it would have to be a, in FL, it can be a swimmer’s fin! Lol. Our guys do have giant feet...


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!