Tuesday, December 17, 2019

MQAL Finish

The mystery quilt-along is finished!
It is 60 x 72"
I finished sewing the middle section and then joining it to the others.
This will be donated to the Quilt of Valor leader in my region
who just happens to be in my quilt group!
I will add it to the quilt frame queue
and get quilting!!!

It was a lot of fun to participate in this Winter Mystery Quilt
and a big thank you to her for sharing
Alycia Quilts blog info so I would be enticed , er, informed!


  1. It was a fun mystery, and I'm glad you came up with the alternate design for the center section.

  2. I like how the center is offset a bit. Very nice and I like the pattern you and Nancy used better than the original.

  3. Beautiful!!! It's so modern and edgy but it still also has that vintage quilt appeal.

  4. What a great design! Love the bold colors. It will make a great Valor quilt.

  5. I LOVE that quilt! The offset design is intriguing, and the clean lines are very satisfying!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....