Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

 Remember what we are celebrating today!
 It will be a quiet gift opening for Bill and I this morning;
only the third one we've had alone in 43 years!
Later on , I will be working to seam these sweater pieces so I can knit the ribbing for the neckline.
In between eating and dozing, I will work on this.
If it stops raining (a constant drizzle!), we will most likely take a golf cart ride to admire the latest flowers!

I hope you will have a wonderful day with those you love-
(even when you are noting the ones who no longer walk among us this day)-
we still have so much for which to be grateful!


  1. We are having a quiet day today too. We've been so busy with the remodel that we didn't even shop for gifts this year. I suppose the new kitchen is our gift...even if it doesn't feel like much of a present at the
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Happy Christmas to you and your family, even if you won't see them today... and hopefully a nice and healthy year to come!
    take care


  3. Merry Christmas to the two of you. I hope your day is a wonderful and peace-filled one. Ours is quiet too. We ended up with another unexpected snow when we woke up and it's still falling. It's a white Christmas after all.

  4. Merry Christmas! I hope you found time to knit on that sweater. I finished 1 hat while gone and got a 2nd one going. Now to keep the knitting mojo swimming!

  5. I think a quiet Christmas is just the thing you need after so many busy years with so much on your plate. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  6. Thank you. Your quiet Christmas sounds nice. The sweater finish on 12/26 post is awesome. Ours was crazy raucous and I'm exhausted!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....