Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Socks of Unusual Size

While I finished the first sock and started right in on the second one,
I didn't have Bill try them on to see if they fit.
The foot fit fine but the 2 x 2 rib was too loose;
even after I tossed this into the washer/dryer! So
So I will have to rip out the leg stitches 
and do a decrease across the whole round at the ankle 
to have 12 fewer stitches to knit the leg again!
It's just another reason to knit the socks toe-up 
because if I had to rip out the whole sock
well, I am not sure it would get done any time soon!

You can see the size comparison here--I am ready to begin the heel on my sock!


  1. That IS a BIG sock!!! Love the blue color. Very pretty.

  2. Oh good golly! That is a big sock! I won't complain about The Mister's 64 stitch socks anymore.

  3. Holy moly ... that was a LOT of knitting. Glad you are able to FIX it instead of starting all over again.

  4. Haha! Big Minota feet! Glad you only have to rip the small area, not the waterski area. 😁


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