Saturday, March 7, 2020

Just a Few Ribs

Remember this sweater remake?
I have sewn all of the pieces together 
and the only thing left to do is to knit 10 rows of 1 x 1 ribbing!
Today will see it finished and blocked!
It is going to be chilly enough to wear it to church tomorrow!!


  1. Good for you!!! It's chilly here again too. It's warm and wonderful all week and then it's freezing and windy on the weekends.

  2. It will be nice to have it refinished again!
    We had a warmer week, then yesterday was cold and snowy again. Today the sun is shining and the cardinals are mating (boy are they noisy!) Hopefully things will warm up a bit!

  3. Tiny needles! It's turned cool again here too. There is probably no church for us. Recomendations are for no more than 10 people to gather right now.

  4. Nice! I love the color and the pattern. Sweaters take me forever to finish. We learned yesterday that our church will be locked with services only online tomorrow, thanks to Covid-19. It's pretty crazy here in WA with even many of the universities putting their classes/exams online until the end of this quarter.

  5. Yay! Can't wait to see the redo.

  6. Good luck with your finish, it is a fabulous color.

  7. Rib is slow going for me. But, a good rib makes for a great fit ! Good luck!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!