Saturday, March 28, 2020

Rewards of Spinning

 Yarn, 690 yards of Polwarth yarn, to add to the original yarn.
(which is a slightly different color brown--think similar but different yarn dye lots!)
I spelled it the wool breed wrong yesterday, it is POLWARTH , a breed from the southwest of Australia and also bred in New Zealand.  It is a cross between Merino rams and Merino/Lincoln ewes which means the fiber/yarn is next to skin soft with a bit of bounce!
Since it is what I do well now-sitting-I picked out the next small spin with only 4 ounces of Cotswold wool.  But more on that tomorrow!

(See who is on my lap?  It is the quilt crasher!
I did finish that last 24" of the quilt on the frame first thing in the morning
so I could remove it so that it would not be a hammock one more time! lol
When I removed it, I reached for the phone to snap a pic and realized I left it    w  a  y    b  a  c  k
in my room.  When I can manage sewing a binding, it will be given its proper attention then!)


  1. Spinning always amazes me. What are your plans for the yarn?

  2. Your skeins are just wonderful! It's so nice to have some decent yardage. That's the problem when you only spin fancy braids. You never really get enough for anything decent. I've got a lot of California Red left to card but it's not very soft. I think it's a socks only type of fiber. We shall see. I'm still working on the second skein. I need a nice day to get out and card.

  3. Neat! I started a new project with some of mom's handspun! It's polwarth too and it is very soft.

  4. Beautiful yarn. I'm with everyone else and curious to know if you have plans for it. Good for you in getting the quilt off of the frame but I'm guessing someone will be missing his bed. :-)

  5. Great that you were able to complete the quilt and get if off the frame. Sure it will be missed by a certain feline though. Your yarn looks beautiful and it seems like you do more each day. Hopefully, it will not be long before the walk from the bedroom to your studio is accomplished with no effort.

  6. Catching up on all the blog reading, sorry to hear you haven't figure out the illness yet. Hope today brings more upright positions! Love the spinning, so jealous of that talent. The cat story makes me laugh, I can't imagine my dogs doing that, but I have one that just might try it!! He can clear the kitchen counter from a standing position. So we often refer to him as our cat. Get well!


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