Friday, March 13, 2020

This is a Good Room After All!

 I took on the binding for the small tumbler block quilt and put it right into the washer!
 I then finished the one on the frame, squared up the outside and
then made the binding for it.  First thing tomorrow I will be sewing it on to finish this one, too.
I immediately loaded up a new one on the frame right away!
I want to keep the rhythm moving.

 While things didn't go terrible like yesterday,  I did sustain an injury.
I am pretty careful around this open fly wheel, being sure my hair is pulled back so it won't get caught in here while stitching.
 I am behind the quilt when I do a pantograph using these handle bars to steer.
 I didn't think first and quickly pulled my arm across the sharp metal--I have since added the duck tape so that another 'slice' into my forearm will not happen again!
Whoever said that quilting is sedentary is so very wrong! lol
 While I was working in the studio, Bill took on the job of brightening up the sidewalk.
We now have a beautifully blacktopped driveway but the sidewalk which was pretty ugly before
but now stood out even more pitifully!
We chose the same terracotta paint as the veranda.  
This new sidewalk calls you right up to the front door in style!


  1. Ouch!!!! That is a nasty boo boo. I had no idea that was possible. Wow..
    The sidewalk looks great. What a difference.

  2. Ouch! That cut looks painful. Your quilting machine has definitely been humming - nice job on finishing the lovely donation quilts.

  3. The new walkway looks beautiful! Ouch!! Sorry about your injury - hope it heals quickly. I got tired just reading about all the quilting you are doing - lol.

  4. Yay for successes! Boo for injuries. I sliced my finger with the rotary cutter yesterday, with it being Friday the 13th today, maybe I should play with sharp utensils?

  5. Ouch! I'm sorry about the injury to your arm. I hope the tape prevents anymore owies. The quilts are so pretty though. I like the painted sidewalk as it really brightens up the area.

  6. It's always great to have a very good day after a not so good one!

    Quilting is definitely a work out - I was back and forth in front of the machine all afternoon today! Now my feet are sore!

    The sidewalk looks lovely after its refresh!

  7. My kids made so much fun of me when I got carpal tunnel syndrome from knitting! I sure hope you heal up fast.


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