Sunday, March 29, 2020

Socks on Sunday

 Stroll fingering yarn from KnitPicks, in Tulip Fields are completed!
Toe-up, gusset and heel turn over 64 stitches, #1 needles, k3, p1 leg ribbing.
What great therapy for me!
So much so, I went right to the stash and started a new pair!


  1. Gorgeous colorway! Hooray for knitting to keep you occupied while you convalesce...

  2. Woo hoo for finished socks! Such a pretty color. I think I'm on track to break my sock record for the year if this keeps up. I am so happy to have anything to keep my mind off of you know what. I feel so sorry for those who can't stay home if their life depended on it.....and you know it does.

  3. I love Regia yarn for socks: it wears and washes well - very little pilling and bloom.

  4. Love the completed pair of socks. Beautiful color. Love the yarn for the next pair.

  5. Love them! And love the new yarn too! How are you feeling today?

  6. Pretty yarn - for both pairs. Hope you are doing better!!

  7. Pretty tulip yarn and the new Regia is a great one too. I really like Knit Picks and Regia holds up very well.
    I hope you're feeling well.

  8. Oh toes up looks very nice You nailed that seam@!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!