Friday, April 30, 2021

Emerging Colors

The Muscadine grapevine is waking up beautifully--it is filling in its trellis nicely.  The bamboo frame has survived , I only needed to replace the jute twine which I wove between the uprights. 
 Now if only we can keep the racoons away from it when the grapes ripen!!!
I like the way my shadow was a triangle, too!
My Caladium are emerging and opening up to their own uniqueness--the light, 
the dark,
the Christmas-y and
and the late-to-the-party! 
 I don't remember for sure what color this one is!

Today I plan on doing some gardening (with a glove on), a bit of work at the lathe (with another kind of glove on) and quilting at the frame (without a glove!).
What's on your agenda for this day?

Thursday, April 29, 2021

And On the Frame!

I managed to finish sewing the rows together and even pieced the backing fabric and then loaded the whole thing on the frame! 
 I will begin the quilting today!
(and no blood marred the fabric!)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Flower Surprise!

On the way home from errands yesterday, I asked Bill to stop so I could look at this field of black-eyed Susans.
Imagine my surprise when I got out of the car and they were NOT black-eyed Susans ---can you tell what they are?
If you guessed Coreopsis, you're right!  They are native to Florida and actually called Lanceleaf Tickseed.  There is a very wide right-of-way along the side of the road and it was just full of Coreopsis and Phlox (the purple) but as we drove near our little town, they were mowing  it all down!  It is a very misplaced lawn, in my opinion. How sad not to see the flowers all the way down  our right-of-way until there were homes and sidewalks at least!!
I did attempt a little knitting today straight needles and my left pointer sticking out straight I used I second in command and was able to knit! Now granted, that handed fatigue pretty quickly but even so I was able to enjoy some knitting!


I was able to find on my computer the voice to text feature to save some time on typing since I can't feel around the bandage on my left hand, but I think it makes just as many mistakes as I would with my impairment excavated shun point hello L---see what I mean---that was me saying, exclamation point lol

Monday, April 26, 2021

A Setback

I spent all of Saturday working on the baseboards...worked too long and really used up my energy,  Foolish but I wanted to get things done!

I went to church on Sunday and slept the rest of the day!  I didn't have much of anything lest in me.
I woke up on Monday feeling much rested and ready to join life again!  I cleaned the house-floors vacuumed and washed and kitchen spiffed---I was ready to tackle the baseboards again.  I've gotten really good art knowing which angle to cut the boards now without confusion...I was feeling really good about it!
And then while banging in the last nail today....the picture framed on rhe wall crashed down and acted like a guillotine on my left forefinger and my nail lost!  I had to call a friend to drive me to the Urgent Care ctr and they had closed just minutes before and sent me to the ER...grrrrrr. (Bill was out of town for a golf date)  

 Nyki is comforting new carpenter's career has met with a setback!  I can't knit!  I'm really on recliner duty!

Friday, April 23, 2021

Fixing Things

I did a bit of sewing this morning;  all of the setting triangles are sewn in and rows are being joined!
I ripped out the last two rows and made the long white posts stand up straight!
And then Bill joined me to work on the baseboard! I can't believe how it finished the room!  It matches the flooring and cupboards beautifully.  
Sigh with exhaustion--we had a bit of trouble with our 45* cuts but think we have it down now--since we have the whole house to do, we will have lots of practice!  Super was late but welcome.
 I ripped out the first start on this sweater because I realized the problems I was having with gauge was because I bought the wrong yarn!  I bought DK but needed Worsted Weight!  I love the new quicker delivery process from Webs--new yarn is here and I will start over today....

Baseboards and Quilting Corners!

Yesterday was another day we were away from home most of the day.  We stopped at Home Depot and bought a ton of baseboard and quarter round so I will finally have some in each of my rooms!  Guess what I will be doing for a few hours each week!
I also had a doctor's appt to take care of a suspicious 'spot' on my arm (froze it off) and to discuss my swollen and painful hands.  (will be going to a Rheumatologist to discuss Psoriatic Arthritis) but we did go out for a late lunch on the way home for a good reward.
After a rest, I did cut out the corner blocks for the Mystery QAL-don't they really set off the other blocks!?!
I can't wait to add them to the rows and get this top done and on the frame!
I also finished the center medallion on the crocheted afghan.  I don't like the way my front posts lean back on each side except the one on the right so I will be ripping out this morning and setting them level!  I sure have gotten my mileage out of these 17 rows! lol

Thursday, April 22, 2021


I know you think you saw this already but I ripped out the first one and took my Mom's advice to use a hook one size smaller for a better fabric--she was oh, so right!  It isn't so sloppy now;  I'm much happier and it was fun to do it all again!  I worked on this on the drive to the boys-
Bill and I were able to go and pick the boys up from school-what a joy to see their faces light up when they spotted us!  We had some time to unleash energy....but also snuggle time while we watched Godzilla vs KingKong!  It was great to hear their running commentary throughout the movie!  
I kept smelling the most delicious perfumed aroma while they were jumping and soon enough I found this 'wall' of Confederate Jasmine--oh, how I wish I could share a sniff with you!
They also have the tallest ferns-almost as tall as I am!  A beautiful contrast in color and texture! 
And we were graced with the most colorful sunset all the way home!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

BlueBird House #2

And then there were TWO! 
 I made the lighter one from the pallet wood 
I stacked a few weeks ago. 
 I also made the back shorter to try out different designs.
As usual, the second bluebird house went together 
much more quickly and easily! 
 Very enjoyable!
As long as I was in the area, I finished the bowl on the lathe,
 a grapefruit bowl again.
This bowl doesn't have the orange coloring in this section of wood but it does include spalting 
and a good grain pattern. 
 I also kept the irregularities in two spots on the rim.  
The bowl is 5.5" wide and 2.5" tall.
I worked for house to catch up on the Dakota Inspired QAL; 
 I had to make 8 more red blocks which I did 
and then sewed them into diagonal rows according to instructions--with only a two more to do--no, I didn't miss a row-
it is stacked and ready to tackle first thing in the morning 
so I will be able to then prepare for clue #8!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

For the Birds!

Since I was in town yesterday for the eye appt and lab work,

 I stopped in to Home Dept and purchased a single picket to see if I liked making a bluebird house. 

I did like it-even more than I had hoped!

In spite of a chop saw that wouldn't turn off
 except by unplugging it...

BTW, I need to remember to back the car out of the garage

  the next time I use the saw!

     I managed to follow directions and cut my pieces to size.

It was so much easier to follow directions for the angles with this saw than trying to figure it out on my own when making the decorative birdhouse!

There is a second piece in the bottom of the house, accessed through the side panel that is hinged for easy cleaning,
 is so I can easily remove the old nesting materials 
after the first clutch has fledged.

               In no time, I had all of the pieces together 

and wished I had bought TWO pickets! 

I will be putting the bluebird houses up in pairs near the gopher tortoise holes so I will begin to attract the birds to the houses but I can still see them from my house!

Monday, April 19, 2021

New Yarn Project

The newest crochet project is a kit from Annie's Attic.
It is made with Premier worsted weight yarn and an I hook.
It is off to a good start!
The best part of this project?
My Mom is going to do it, too, and shared is always better!


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Catching Up!

I did it;  the SAHRR is officially a quilt!  Overall, it was a good first time event and I will keep it mini next year!

As soon as I finished, I went to work on the Dakota Inspired QOV--I somehow read the instructions wrong for the red/white hst's I guess, because I didn't have enough to make all of the blocks.  I didn't whine;  I got right to work making some more!  
I began the layout as instructed on clue 7;  I will catch up by Wednesday, I hope!

Today, I will be crocheting a new afghan!  Pics tomorrow!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Work That's Play

Yesterday, my brother and sister-in-law took us to a new to us restaurant called Redfrog & McToad's! 
How's that for a name?!
The grub was superb! 
 What a great time we shared around that table!
We went back to my brother's 
and then it was time to say farewell.
I'm grateful for the visit-beyond words 
but it is hard to be parted already.
I'm going to bury myself in several projects today-I'm going to finish quilting the SAHRR
quilt and then bind it.  Done at last.
Then I am going to make a bunch of the QOV mystery quilt--I'm rather behind by 5 blue blocks and 17 red ones!  And then they will have to be assembled....
I also started a sweater!  
The knitting funk is over--a summer knit is on its way!
 Isn't this pretty! 
 Thunbergia is in bloom! 
 No sweet smell but a rather sweet face! 
 Off to stitch!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...