Saturday, January 20, 2024


I've begun the MQAL with Alycia at QultyGirl
Only 5 more by next week-I can do it! 
 I'm using the strips that Leslie and I cut out last week.
I also finished the rainbow quilt by adding another strip of red at the top and bottom and then added the borders. 
 I will be loading it on today.  
I thought you would enjoy a few blooms from our yard.
Turk's Cap.
Another Camellia.


  1. Beautiful colors inside and outside! One of my poinsettias this year is a beautiful variegated one that I’ve kept alive to send home with you if you want it. It was too pretty and healthy to pitch after Christmas…I just couldn’t do it! :) -Marsel

  2. Beautiful quilts! And just look at those blooms! My camellia was just getting ready to bloom when the snow hit. You can just see the beginnings of the pink blooms. I'm afraid to go look at them now with the temp in the teens. They are going to have frostbitten edges for sure.

  3. Ohh I like all your reds!! Fabrics and Flowers!!!

  4. beautiful blooms! And I love the red cabins!

  5. Good for you getting a start on Alycia's new mystery. I'm saving the directions but won't start it for a while. Love the red flowers. Nothing is blooming in my yard although the snow has melted, mostly. Sigh.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.