Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Let me introduce you to my Harrisville 4-shaft loom!  
When I finished, I had to warp up the loom right away and give it a go!  I only warped 40 threads but it will be perfect for some mug rugs!  (I am using some Lopi in the stash) 
 I am loving the renewed joy of weaving!
I was a bit slowed up by this---I went to the doctor's to have an ingrown nail fixed.  This is not a task for the faint of heart! 
 Do you know how much you need a big toe to walk
 and keep your balance?! 
 I hope it heals quickly, I am ready to be busy again!



  1. Just reading your post makes my foot hurt!! Hope the healing is speedy. Enjoy your new toy.

  2. Having your feet hurt is the worst, burt your're new loommakes the waiting bearable doesn't it? It's a really, really nice and see lots of hours in your future happyily using it.

  3. Sorry about the toe...I know how painful that is.
    As for the loom....WOW what a beauty! And you're already weaving. I'm in awe. I just had to unthread what I've got on mine. What a mess I made out of it. Post to follow when I can deal with it....lol.

  4. I feel you on the toes. I had both big toes done. It was almost a no go on the 2nd, but my toes are so much better now.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!