Tuesday, March 5, 2024


I am having a wonderful visit;  just being with my daughter and son-in-law and seeing my first grandson is beyond medicine for me! We get the chores done together, sit on the porch swing and watch her birds, run errands and even sit and crochet! 
We tried another watercolor because it looked easy!  Do you know that when you don't paint everyday and that you hate not being an expert just naturally it became very funny right away!  We had a number of laughs while trying to create!!!  You know that alone frustration would've mounted but together it was grand fun!

Here is the new haircut--so easy to dry and style, I am enjoying the freedom of shorter hair especially as temperatures will be climbing by the day!  I mentioned that my face looks so puffy to my daughter and she said."Mom, you are on steroids!" 
 I think I need to keep my sense of humor going!

(I am wearing dark glasses because something has caused my eyes to dilate and be irritated.  Have I mentioned that when one thing messes up, I run the risk of setting up a domino trail on the health front?!)


  1. It sounds like you're having a wonderful time with family. Just what the doctor ordered. I love your new hairstyle. I need to get in for a cut too, I've put it off way too long.
    I also think your watercolor is very pretty. It's great that you and your daughter like the same things. Like Mother, like Daughter.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. So nice to hear you are having a fun visit. Your new haircut looks great!

  3. I'm getting ready to head downstairs to pick up watercolors for the first time since last October. Believe it not I'm going to try to finish my Inktober project that's been sitting down on the table all this time. I'm sure it's not going to be pretty but at least it will be done.
    I love the new haircut. Both my sisters went to shorter hair lately and they looked fabulous when we went to lunch a few weeks ago. I've still got the scraggly witch look going on. My hair is so thin I'm afraid of what a shorter look would look like. They both have lovely, thick gray hair like my mom. I got dad's hair I am sorry to say.

  4. The hair cut looks fabulous on you! Very chic!

    The little watercolour nest reminds me of some fabric I have in my stash!

  5. Glad you are having a nice visit. Cute haircut!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!