Friday, March 15, 2024


So even impaired, a grandma answers the call to babysit!  Dad and oldest son were off to a school field trip so Bill and I went to spend the night to be there for younger son.  Unfortunately, he spiked a fever and couldn't even go to school let alone get up from the couch and play!  So we had movie and story adventures right on the couch -- just being together all day!  Once Dad got home, we hugged all, listened to their adventures and then said our goodbyes!
Look what was in glorious bloom when we pulled in the driveway!  
Such beauty!
And the cardi did get done up the the armhole separation;  I've started on the left front!  It's been a very good knit and I look forward to getting the first front done and trying to match the color strip on each of the other front and back!!!! lol
(the kitties sure were glad to see me--they didn't think much of us disappearing again!)


  1. Hope your grandson is feeling better!

  2. I have to do the same thing next week. SIL has to go to Fl for business and MIL who usually babysits is off on a quilting tour of Australia (!). We'll be making the drive up a few times to help Daughter out with the little one. I hope we all stay healthy.

  3. Awww Your a good Grandma - just hope you don't get his fever. poor baby!

  4. Good for you, taking part in Grandma things again. Just hope you stay well through it all. He looks happy to have you there with him.
    The sweater is coming along great. You'll have it finished before you know it.

  5. Grandkids sure are special, aren't they? (And grow up way too fast!) Looks like you're feeling some better; I sure hope so.

  6. Hope both you and the little guy are feeling better.

  7. Poor thing! But at least he had company to share his time with. Hope you don't end up with his illness too!

  8. You are such a good grandmother…l hope he feels better. Beautiful blooms too.. is that a daylily ?


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!