Wednesday, March 27, 2024


At quilting group yesterday, I managed to get the borders seen on and all pressed!  Now to wait for its turn on the frame!  I am feeling behind on so many fronts!  I hope to catch up bit by bit!  

My toe is doing much better and stopped throbbing about 4 am so I finally got some good sleep and then felt much better with the bandage off at noontime when I could remove the packing from under my nail!  Too much fun!  


  1. it looks awesome!! Those borders - LOVE them!!!!

  2. I have a very clear visual about that toe and for the life of me I can;t remember why. Was it me? A sibling? A friend? My old memory is failing me on this one but I do recall the whole painful process.
    The quilt is lovely. I love the contrast with those fancy corners.

  3. The polka dot borders make me smile. I love them! I'm so sorry about your toe and glad that it's better today. I can't even imagine that pain but it hurts to think about.

  4. I like the polka dot border. Thank you for not showing a picture of your toe without the bandage!!! LOL


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!