Friday, March 22, 2024


I was able to knit two hats from the new yarn;  it worked beautifully in the Addi knitting machine! The third hat (on the right) has different grey yarn for the inside to finish it.  Not bad to get almost three hats from the skein.
The color ways at JoAnns' were all limited to grey/grey or grey/blue and grey/red.  I will definitely try another skein of this for more donation hats.
This is what it looks like right off the knitting machine!  
100 rounds for a beanie to fit most!


  1. Those are beautiful!!! I like the stripes!

  2. Great hats! Those stripes make them look really upscale. The sale at JoAnn's is a great one this week. I bought lots for making shawls and wheelchair blankets, also some baby yarn because who can resist baby yarn? :-)

  3. Amazing! I've never seen yarn like that. I'll have to go investigate. We drove up to babysit the Baby Grand today and he loved wearing my ratty old hand knit hat when I took him outside so I'm thinking I might need to make him his own. He also took a liking to Pup's sweater that I made her. He carried it around all day. Finally a family member who's knit

  4. Cute hats!! They will keep some noggins very warm!

  5. So pretty!!! Love how the pattern is different on each of them! xx

  6. Great hats! Love the pom poms - perfect addition


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!