Thursday, March 7, 2024


Lots of construction and if you never guessed where you were---the red soil would surely give you a clue!
The Bradford Pear trees are all in bloom-oh, so pretty!
I made four dishcloths on the way home-did I mention it is an 8 hour trip?!?!?!  And I worked on my crochet shawl but I kept on running into thread breaks in 1 or 2 of the 4 plies and then would have to cut 8-10" out so that the ends would like up....too frustrating while in the car! 
Here is the consolation of having to leave, goodbyes and all of that.....

I started to unpack but my kitties and I decided a snuggle fest was better for all of us!  

I will unpack first thing and touch all of my house and settle myself into my life again--I kinda lost my grip on it for the last month or so!


  1. Hope your day is slow and peaceful! ❤️ -Marsel

  2. Welcome back home!

  3. Awww....happy kitties!
    It does take a while to get back into the groove after such a long disruption. I only "took off" four days when Pup was sick and it was like I had no idea how to re-start my life again. My projects were all one big mystery.

  4. Going away is nice, but coming home, especially to our fur babies is wonderful. And then you had the added adventure of being so sick. I'm glad you're settling in and the projects will begin anew.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Welcome home! I know your family was thrilled that you visited and enjoyed all the time you spent together.


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We took a day to go to downtown Jacksonville to the MOSH and expose the kids to some smiling adults instead of sobbing ones. We had a very g...