Tuesday, March 19, 2024


I did sew the rows together and cut the borders so I could sew them.  I didn't make too many mistakes (the brain is still very slow! lol) until I did something dumb!
I poked the pin to hold a piece straight into my pinkie finger---boy did it bleed!  I had to leave the piecing for the day because I  didn't want to bleed on the quilt!
After washing, I trimmed the loose ends from the fabric and then pressed it!
There is much variation in the handspun yarn and I love the shading and shifting that results!  
I was glad to see the fabric didn't shrink too much and my fabric pieces will fit!  I will be cutting out the skirt pieces another day because I am heading out to our first day of The All Florida Shop Hop.  I only have to drive the 25 mins to my friend's house and she will do the rest of the driving!  We are going to the closest and the farthest shops today with a pit-stop to JoAnns' in between!  



  1. Enjoy your shop hop! That is going to be a gorgeous skirt. Isn't it funny how a tiny prick in a finger can lead to tons of blood on stuff? I've certainly damaged some fabric that way.

  2. My dad's cutting board always looked like that. It always looked like a crime scene. It was lucky for me that he never went missing or I might have ended up in jail for murder...lol.
    The skirt is looking great. This is going to be such a fun project to follow along with.

  3. Lovely fabric for the skirt. And, wow for the quilt! Is that the last mystery that Alycia did? I copied the instructions but haven't started it yet. I really like how it turned out though. I may have to pull out the directions to see if I could start on part of it -- like the log cabin blocks. Yours looks great.

  4. Sorry about the finger, it's amazing how a little bit of blood spreads around on everything. The fabric turned out great and the pieces fit perfectly.
    How I wish I could be an invisible friend along for the shop hopll
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Looking good!!!
    but!! Save the digits!!! ha - hope it healed fast!!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!