Monday, March 18, 2024


I knit the sleeve (top up) and realized that I would prefer the sleeve line up with the same color of the body.
See how the shading of the  sleeve is graded in the other direction?  I ripped it back and will find the right place for it to match the body and work from there!
On another front, I liked the color of these pants but with the few pounds I've gained, the pants dig in at the wrong place below my natural waist and give me a muffin top.  Not attractive.  I watched a YouTube tutorial to rip off the waistband and sew the two sides one on top of the other to add 2" to the height of the band. 
 I then cut out a facing out of a cotton fabric and then resew it to the pants.
Since I never wear belts, I didn't bother to sew them back in place. All I had to do was to add buttons to the waistband and enjoy the more comfortable and attractive pair of pants! 
 Fun to make an adjustment like this!


  1. What a brilliant save on the pants! The most daunting save I've had lately is to move a piece of velcro on a Barbie dress so it would go around her. I was ridiculously proud of
    I hear you about the sweater sleeves. They are always an issue when you use fancy yarn or deal with stripes.

  2. The sweater sleeves would frustrate me no end! I tried that with a toddler sweater recently but the stripes in the yarn weren't the same length. Nothing I did gave me the same stripes as in the body. I finally gave up and let the yarn to it's own thing.
    The pants save is brilliant. You are a genius.

  3. Great pants alteration! -Marsel

  4. Wow! I am so impressed about the pants save... I need to take some time and really think about how you did it. And decide whether I have anything that would benefit from it. Your sweater looks gorgeous so far. Did you roll the yarn from a skein to the ball? If so, the colors would be coming off the opposite of the yarn used from the skein. I've given up on making sweaters... I'm not very good at remembering where I stop and paying correct attention to the directions. Sigh.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!