Saturday, March 9, 2024


My home, I mean!  I have done a ton of cleaning and tossing to streamline areas.  I enjoy that kind of work! 
 This jade plant has a story;  I had one that was started from a leaf from my grandmother's plant.  I had it for decades but a few years ago it croaked.  I was devastated!  My Mom has a big plant from her Mother's original plant and so she started one for me.  As it grew, she gave it to my daughter to bring to me eventually....and at the visit last week, I finally received it! 
 I will be putting it in a special pot
 but for now it is in my bedroom window getting to know me!
I cast on for the new sweater and the 5" of garter at the hem is a slow go on #5 needles but I don't have to think at all (no increasing or decreasing or specialty stitches!)  instead I am just enjoying the pleasure of this very soft combination of yarn
 to slip through my fingers.  
 I ended up leaving the two strands of yarn to feed separately because I didn't want to cake it up 
and have to have more breaks in the yarn. 
 It is working just fine much to my relief!
Look what came in the mail yesterday!  I don't usually manage to grab one of the deals from Fat Quarter Shop but his time I did-a Layer Cake at half price! 
 I am hoping to spend some time sewing today!   


  1. Fun to see the jade plant at home after its journey from NY to GA and now FL! When I first saw the sweater picture in my peripheral vision, I thought it was a snake. I’m glad it’s not! Happy sewing! -Marsel

  2. That's a sweet story about the plant. My mom was always starting plants for us that I would promptly kill. She could make anything grow-me not so much.
    That layer cake looks like fun. I've got one here that needs to be something. Maybe this summer.

  3. I'm so glad to know the story about the jade plant. it's wonderful. I've never been able to keep one alive and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I finally gave up on having one.
    I'm with Marsel. When I first saw the garter stitch I thought it was a snake. HA! Yikes!
    Nice fat quarter. I'm looking forward to seeing what it becomes.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. We have a smallish jade plant that is from a big one that was in our yard in San Diego, so every time I look at it, I remember our days there. I agree, at my first glance I thought the garter stitch was a snake skin. Glad to hear you're feeling better!

  5. Great jade plant story! And such pretty new fabrics. Glad to hear you are feeling better.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!