Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Moving at slow-motion but at least I am seeing better each day.  Lena, sunshine, warm temperatures and listening to the birds
 was very good therapy yesterday.
I made four more dishcloths--they look distorted here but they are all 6=8' square.
We have one pool screen panel out (still on the waiting list for repairs!) so all kinds of insects are finding their way into the lanai but they can't seem to find their way out! 
 This beetle was about 1/2" long--very pretty! 
(Rainbow Scarab beetle; Phanaeus vindex)
There were four butterflies just like this one (quite dead) but 2 were still alive and Bill managed to net and release them!
  Heroes come in all sizes!
(Giant Swallowtail or King Swallowtail; Papilio Thoas)


  1. Lovely critters! Glad you can enjoy some outside time while you recuperate. 🩵 -Marsel

  2. Nice that you could be out in the sunshine! The beetle is gorgeous!

  3. Anonymous is me - Vera - I always forget to add my name!

  4. Lovely dishcloths!
    I tried some sunshine therapy myself yesterday but the early spring only activated my allergies so now I'm laid up with a headache and sinus issues this morning. March used to be a great month here for being outside-no bugs, no pollen. Not this year. Everything is already in bloom.

  5. That first photo is perfection. Using your new deck area and Lena too. She wants to know Mama is okay. :-) Do you have a pattern for that dishcloth you're working on? I like it!
    Pretty bugs too. Are there lots of mosquitoes in Florida? They "love" my skin for some reason and completely ignore Dennis. Does that mean my blood is tastier? Ha!
    Enjoy your day my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I forgot to add that I know it's the Moss Stitch, but I can't figure out the center from the photos. Do you start with 4 or 8 sc's in the circle? 2 ch in the corner's? :-) Sorry to be so slow.

  7. Beautiful bugs! With the warmer weather, the honey bees were out in full force yesterday and the day before (it's cool and rainy today). Unfortunately, the mosquitos were out too!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!